Update #4

As promised, I did take some pics during the opening night for People Watching! We had a nice, intimate group, but if you didn't see it during the opening night you still have until December 2nd to come out to the gallery. The response from this exhibition has been very positive and I've heard a resounding "YES", yes that people do indeed want to see objects in the permanent collection more often. So pull those mittens and boots on (well... not today, it's quite mild) and make your way to the gallery.... I promise it will be worth the effort.
For a little taste of what you will see, please read my statement below:

People Watching – Portraits from the Permanent Collection
People watching - it is perhaps the cheapest and oldest form of entertainment and it can entertain for hours, evolving into a social science when practiced for extended periods.
Consider the art gallery a sort of boulevard or crowded city square and consider yourself a flâneur or sociologist, experiencing people through various decades and places.
Variety and the unexpected are paramount to pleasurable people watching and the portraits on display, like the people you see on the street, are varied and not necessarily what you would expect.
The portraits are not all formal, traditional, nor typical. What makes them great portraits and worthy of watching is that they beg you to ask questions, lots of questions. So ask those questions, make up a story, and have some fun. Best of all, unlike regular people watching, you can stare as long as you like.
-Suzanne A. Crowdis, Curator
Art Gallery Coordinator

More on the update front....
Our next exhibition will feature 10 of Cape Breton's best artists from the St. Anne's Bay Artisans' Loop. Close In, Far Out will open on Friday December 9th at 7:00 (as usual) and will run until January 20, 2006. This promises to be not only a wonderful exhibition (curated by Deanie Cox) but an exciting opening as well.
Also, we've had a good response to our Wednesday evening hours, so with Lori-Anne's permission (she is the friendly student who has been welcoming you Wednesday evenings) we will continue to offer these evening hours during the winter semester. Thank you Lori-Anne!!
And before i forget... to all of you students, staff, faculty & alumni out there, proposals are currently being accepted for the design of invitations and programs to our 10th Annual Student, Faculty, Staff & Alumni Exhibition (February 3 - March 10, 2006). The deadline to get your material in is January 6, 2006. No extensions will be granted for material, even if your concept is wonderful!! Please call me at 563-1342 or drop in to the gallery to chat or drop off your material. Our mailing address is: PO Box 5300, 1250 Grand Lake Road, Sydney NS B1P 6L2.
That's all for now.
Take care and i'll see you soon,
This blog is great! Its cool that i can see what's going on and get the updates as they happen... good work. Makes the gallery seem more personal.
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