I'm trusting you all had a lovely holiday and are optimistic for 2007.
The Art Gallery has been a busy place. Just before the holiday break we received twelved exciting additions to our permanent collection and in addition to processing a collection of Angela Grauerholz photographs received in autumn, we are processing these latest acquistions as well. On top of that, Lesley Hinton's exhibtion is being dismantled today and I am looking forward to curating the first exhibition of 2007,
Eldon Garnet: In the Collection. This exhibition showcases various series from the permanent collection by the Toronto based artist. Over the past 10 years, selections from our Garnet holdings have been exhibited, sometimes within a curatorial context, sometimes not.
In the Collection provides an opportunity to examine his work on the basis of several issues revolving around human existence. Visitors will have the chance to see his work and discuss it with me at the Curator's Walk & Talk on Monday January 22, 2:30 pm. This educational activity kicks off the exhibition which runs until February 17, 2007. Please feel free to walk and talk, look, and enjoy with me and anyone you care to bring along to celebrate this latest exhibit.

Another exhibit which is getting all the Gallery Girls very animated is the 11th Annual Student, Faculty, Staff & Alumni Art Exhibition. This exhibition opens with a reception on February 23 and will run to March 24. As always, this is a juried exhibition open to all folks fitting the above categories. Up to three works may be submitted (original, never-before-displayed works, ready for hanging/displaying only please). Submission forms can be picked up at the Art Gallery (there are some outside the doors to pick up after hours) and must accompany the pieces when they're dropped off on February 14th (10:00 to 4:30).
Sarah MacDonald is fulfilling her work placement for PCS351 at the Art Gallery and is the brains behind the snazzy posters you see around University advertising our most ecelectic exhibition of the year. She and I also have some fun, theme plans for the brave and fun-loving folks submitting work to the 11th Annual SFSA Art Exhibition on the 14th. We promise that baring your soul through your art will be worth it!

Sarah and Shirley identifying and recording
some of our latest acquisitions!

Cheers and have a happy weekend.