Recent and Upcoming Exhibitions

Hello! It's been quite a while since we here at the CBU Art Gallery have had time to update the blog. Actually it's been a while since Suzanne has had time to update the blog which is why the task has been bestowed upon me. Tana, the trusty new intern of the CBU Art Gallery!
OK. So let's get right down to business.
On May 1 we had the opening for Senior Investigation, part of the Cape Breton Victoria Regional School Board Annual Student Art Show, Art Investigation 007. The turn out for this show was great. 200+ people showed up to view and celebrate the artists and their work which was curated by the students following a workshop with Suzanne. This exhibit will be up until May 24
May 4 was the official opening for Recent Works by Kristen Doyle & Bell Fraser. The Turn out again was great. We had about 94 appreciative fans of Kristen and Bell's work show up that night. The refreshments were awesome and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.
If you get a chance you should definitely come check out the show, which will be on until June 1.
A few weeks ago all the volunteers of the Gallery and Suzanne got together and had a "padded block" party at which they made special padded blocks to help store the permanent collection. Everyone had a great time and got alot of work done. (Hope I'm around for the next one) We are currently awaiting the arrival of a new rack type system thing. Above are some pictures taken at the party.
As for right now we are getting ready for the next show. "In Here Out There," part of Undercurrents: A VANS Exhibition Project curated by Suzanne A. Crowdis is scheduled to open June 8 and will continue until August 24. This exhibition will feature works by Nova Scotian artists that questions and confronts the phenomena of isolation and localization simultaneously existing with transcendence and universality. For more information on this show check out the Programming Synopsis posted below.
Also, work has begun on the new website for the CBU Art Gallery. It is being designed by a fellow NSCC intern, Christine MacLeod. Check back for updates on that.
Well that's about it for now. I added some photos above from Brian Geary's show, the padded block party, the poster for the Senior Investigation exhibit as well as the poster for Recent works by Kristen Doyle & Bell Fraser's exhibit and from the opening reception for that show. Sorry it's so messy looking.
Until next time, later gaters!
Tana Yhard
Thank you Tana! You did a great job.
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