CBU Art Gallery

The Cape Breton University Art Gallery now has a blog! See what's going on at Cape Breton's only university art gallery. Updated weekly

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

recent gallery photos

Here are some photos of recent activities in the Art Gallery. They were too unwieldy for Facebook (surprisingly). Enjoy!
This is a creative writing class led by Mark Silverberg. They based their poems on pieces exhibited in InHereOutThere and recited them next to the work. A great idea and it was really neat to hear the final product.

This was a YMCA Daycamp! The children and counsellors toured the exhibition and then the children picked their favorite piece and drew it. Lots of little artists in the crowd made for a fun-filled morning.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

new pics... on facebook

Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm posting some new pics on Facebook so come on over and check 'em out!
Suzanne :)

Friday, July 20, 2007

mid-summer's day update

Hello Art Lovers!
I'm really overdue on my Art Gallery update! Since the last one, Bell Fraser and Kristen Doyle exhibited their Recent Works in an exhibition of the same name (May 1 - June 1, 2007) and InHereOutThere: part of Undercurrents: a VANS exhibition project opened June 8. Both exhibitions had wonderful opening receptions and those of you who haven’t seen the Undercurrents exhibition at Cape Breton University Art Gallery, you have until August 25 to do so.

Click on the link to go to the VANS website and read the curatorial essay for the exhibition. http://vans.ednet.ns.ca/30th_anniversary/undercurrents.html Also check out the exhibitions at MSVU Art Gallery, Elegies and Effigies, Material Remains (June 23 - August 12, 2007, featuring Diane Castonguay Rosati, Cecil Day, Susan Feindel, Ed Huner, Claudia Mannion, Onni Nordman, Lindsey Hart, James MacSwain, Irena Schon, Susan Wood) and StFX Art Gallery’s Figuring in the Figure (August 21 - September 14, 2007).

You should also peruse the current issue of Visual Arts News (Spring 2007) for an article by Alexandra Clarke on the Cape Breton University Art Gallery’s permanent collection. We also have a nice little ad in Travel Cape Breton’s latest guide to the island, so give your friends and family members a copy and tell them Cape Breton University has the best Art Gallery on the island!

Also… CBU Art Gallery has a Facebook Group. I thought this might be a fun place if anyone wanted to post photos or comments about the Art Gallery. Let your friends know!

Ok… I guess that’s it for the moment. Hope everyone is having a great summer!

